Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Clearly, This Is Not an Example of Philly Soul, Blue-Eyed or Otherwise

Meet the Cutest Jag Since David James Elliott

Do 'The Ides' Have It?

Oh, Henry!

Republicans Stoop (Down) Low for Excuses
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
David Wright's Locker Room Peep Show
Time Traveling to 1995

Gregory Harrison Is a Technical Knockout

Missionary Accomplished
Wow, this'll make you feel old. The Madonna-Sean Penn bomb "Shanghai Surprise" opened 25 years ago today. I remember going to see the film the day it opened and wanting to like it so much. (Oh, boy.) My pal Nathaniel at Film Experience blog revisits the film that effectively ended Madonna's acting career before it had really begun HERE.
Valley Forge

Monday, August 29, 2011
The Baseliner in the Plastic Bubble
The Wall Street Journal reports that there's a lot more than being gluten-free to Novak Djokovic's fitness regimen. For the last year, the sporty Serb has been spending his free time in a $75,000 CVAC pod, an egg-shaped pressure chamber pod that "simulates high altitude and compresses muscles at rhythmic intervals." Sure, it may sound a little Michael Jacksony. But it got Lady Gaga to the top, and seems to be keeping Nole there too!
Of course, before you get too convinced that this contraption -- one of just 20 in the world -- is the real secret of Djokovic's success, keep this in mind: Axl Rose is one of the other owners.
Streaming Idiot
With Netflix recently doubling its monthly fee -- and my not being a huge "watch DVDs at home" guy -- I found myself considering switching to the streaming-only plan. Then I realized everything -- except the recently added "Mad Men" -- that I wanted to watch isn't available yet. So until Netflix and the content providers get their shit together, I'm going to add to this list each time I go to watch something and can't. (Somehow, I find it particularly galling when crappy "gay" movies aren't available. They should be happy ANYONE wants to watch 'em and make them available every way possible!)
Admittedly, this serves no real purpose. But I grew up obsessed with making lists, so at least it'll make me feel a little better in a nostalgic kind of way.
Stuff That Should Be Streaming on Netflix:
1. "The Fighter" (1983 Gregory Harrison version) 'Cause of THIS.
2. "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills" (1996) 'Cause of THIS.
3. "It's My Party" (1996) 'Cause of Olivia and Gregory Harrison!
4. "Tales of the City" (series) (1993) 'Cause I missed it when I was living in Washington!
5. "Man of the Year" (1995) 'Cause I'm on a Playgirl kick.
6. "October Sky" (1999) 'Cause of Chad Lindberg.
7. "A Different Story" (1978) 'Cause of Perry King.
8. "Rhoda" (series) (1974-1978) 'Cause it's my fave.
Music Box: 'After Your Party' by Tanya Donelly

Homo Box Office: 'My Big Break,' 'The Adonis Factor,' 'Paradise Lost'
New Yorkers were mostly spared any real harm from Hurricane Irene, but it did provide a great opportunity for this TV-phobic Chelsea resident to catch up on some home entertainment viewing. (I can sit on the computer for 10 hours, but "make" me watch a DVD that came in the mail -- even something I "want" to watch -- and I will postpone it for months! Is it because it becomes an "assignment"? I don't know.) Started by finishing off Season 4 of "Mad Men" -- and what a season it was! Am so happy I'm finally up to date because it was very hard not having anyone to discuss the ending with. (SOMEONE talk to me!) Then caught up on this new season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." (Still funny, but you can see where the plot twist is going to come from within the first five minutes now.) From there, I caught three more movies in two days:
"My Big Break" is a documentary I have written about before, but that has finally been released on DVD in final edit form. I can't RAVE about this one enough. Aspiring filmmaker Tony Zierra was broke and had no prospects, so began filming his struggling actor roommates and their day-to-day activities of going on auditions and goofing off around the house. When three of the four quickly became rising stars -- Wes Bentley ("American Beauty"), Brad Rowe ("Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss") and Chad Lindberg ("October Sky") -- Zierra's film ("Carving Out Our Name") became a hot property in Hollywood, only to go up in flames when the guys' publicists decided the unpolished look at their lives could jeopardize their careers.
Zierra ended up destroying the film, but as the years went by he saw all three of his friends' stars begin to fade, so he revisited the footage and brought it up to date, which resulted in the riveting "My Big Break," the most brutally honest look at the dark side of stardom I've ever seen.
"I've watched fame swallow and spit out so many talented friends and Hollywood still continues to influence audiences around the world," Zierra told me "I wanted to get 'MBB' out there because I think it's important that people understand how things are behind the façade."
Ironically, the roommate who didn't "make it," Greg Fawcett, ends up being The Star of this one -- in a "role" that will leave you as incredulous as it does heartbroken. If reality TV shows were 1/100th as real as "My Big Break," no one would ever leave the house. My grade: A+

Check out previous Homo Box Office posts HERE.
Joseph Sayers and Benjamin Godfre Get Mounted

Gay Social-Networking Site Connexion to Close
Just read that Connexion -- aka the "gay Frienster" -- is shutting down after eight years of operation. The owners say that despite 2011 being their best year to date, it still was not enough to make the site profitable, leading them to decide to put those funds toward other philanthropic efforts. While this is no real surprise -- Facebook's domination is well-documented, so at this point it would take a Goliath like Google to even try to compete -- it does signal the close of yet another chapter in the world of gay niche offerings.
I remember hearing that someone at another floundering gay-social-networking site, (nee, said the problem with their site was that there already was a gay social-networking site, "It's called Facebook."
While mainstream acceptance for LGBT citizens is surely a good thing, it's hard not to mourn the death of the gay ghetto, whether it bookstores, Web sites or actual neighborhoods. Makes me wonder what the next "gay" thing to fade into oblivion will be ...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Fireman Who Assaulted 'Shemale' Porn Star Girlfriend Doesn't Like Things Too Fruity

Sadly, Mr. Murphy, I think we understand all too well, 'cause there's nothing "not straight" about THIS.