Friday, April 30, 2021

On the Rag, Vol. 656

 A weekly look at what's making news in the gay magazines:

Retro Rag:

While cleaning and packing, I came across these two items I had set aside: That's a 1999 Metrosource magazine -- from which I learned about NYC's gay tennis league when I first moved here -- and something called Fluffier, which speaks for himself ...

Song of the Day: 'Just Another Dream' by Cathy Dennis

Always loved Cathy Dennis's early '90s singles -- "C'mon and Get My Love," "Touch Me (All Night Long)," "Too Many Walls" and especially today's SOTD, all Top 10 hits in the U.S. But it wasn't until she popped up on MTV Classic led me to her Wikipedia page that I remembered she must be a very wealthy woman these days, having also written Kylie Minogue's "Can't Get You Out of My Head," Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" and Britney Spears's "Toxic," among many other smashes. 


P.S. How beautiful does she look here?!!!

Page 1 Roundup (04/30)

The Daily NewsDe Blasio envisions ‘Summer of New York City’ with full reopening from Covid lockdowns on July 1

Hot Slut of the Day7 Up’s dnL!

Hot Cat of the Day: Know you place

Morning Wood

Thursday, April 29, 2021



This one's hard to top, but a few more sexy masked men BELOW.

Thursday Ad Watch

Some personal news to share: After 23 years in my humble Chelsea abode -- and with some prodding by my main squeeze and live-in lover -- I am moving this weekend to a charming apartment in a tidy prewar building on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. As you might imagine, I have been through the gamut of emotions -- it's hard for me to say goodbye to the place my brother Bill helped me find way back when, the site of so many milestones and life-altering events having lived here longer than anywhere else in my life. But Damian and I are giddy about building a life together in a new and nicer setting, and are excited to live near the park(s) and to explore a whole new neighborhood. Packing has been a bit overwhelming, but so far the only regret I have is that I didn't hire these Roadway Moving boys for the big day. See what I'm talking about BELOW!

Song of the Day: 'Windy' by the Association

I love a tweet that hits the nail on the head! 


Note: I own every Beach Boys album. I love the album on which "Wendy" appears, "All Summer Long." That song never entered my mind once while listening to the Association -- and I don't think the average music fan could pick it out of a lineup. 

Page 1 Roundup (04/29)

Hot Cat of the Day: Harvey is very suspicious of all the boxes in his home ...

Morning Wood

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tweet Nothings

Vax Appeal


Erik Bottcher is vaxxed and ready to serve his community. Watch BELOW.

Wrestle Wednesday


How do we arrange a match between him and the guy BELOW?

Song of the Day: 'You're Makin' Me High' by Toni Braxton

I wasn't familiar with this video so it took me a while to realize why Damian was glued to the TV when it came on. Yowza. 

Page 1 Roundup (04/28)


The Washington PostPolice unions are pure evil

Hot Cat of the Day: Would you believe this cutie -- Sonic the Bengal -- was standing in front of our apartment building yesterday?!!!!

Morning Wood


"My friends call me THE CHEST."

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Cut and So?


Organized religion had nothing to do with mine -- here it's simply called being an American, and I'm not even remotely bitter about the petty theft. But I would pay money to see someone walk into a synagogue wearing this obnoxious shirt! 

Tennis Tuesday


More of Gabriel Navarro in Delio Dietz underwear BELOW.

Song of the Day: 'Hungry Like the Wolf' by Duran Duran

Watching MTV Classic has been such a reminder of the ebbs and flows of the (onetime) Fab Five. They started off rather intriguingly with singles like "Planet Earth," "Careless Memories" and "Girls on Film." Found world success (in large part because of Music Television) with "Hungry Like the Wolf" and "Rio." Then released some of the lamest material of their career ("Is There Something I Should I Know?," "The Reflex," "Wild Boys") at the peak of their popularity -- only to follow it up with some of their strongest ever ("Skin Trade," "Ordinary World," "Come Undone," "Electric Barbarella." 

As was the case back in the day, "Hungry Like the Wolf" is still in heavy rotation on MTV (Classic), so it got me reading up on the classic hit, which I was surprised to learn not every adores. (Damian was only 5 when it was released and it holds no place in his heart.) 

Although apparently it was revealed a million years ago on MTV's "Storytellers," this sure jumped out at me:
The lyrics were inspired by "Little Red Riding Hood," and the repeating of the word "do" at the end of each verse takes its melody from the instrumentals in Gordon Lightfoot's song "If You Could Read My Mind."
Simon LeBon: 

OK, the song in question is “If You Could Read My Mind Love, What a Tale My Thoughts Would Tell)” by ... and I want to say James Taylor -- but it isn’t it’s by someone else whose name’s just gone completely out of my head. Anyway there’s this bit in the verse, in fact the “what a tale my thoughts would tell” bit and it matches up almost perfectly with the doo-doos in "Hungry Like the Wolf” well not exactly, 'cause that’d be plagiarism, now wouldn’t it?

I have two reactions: 

A.) I don't hear any similarities between "Hungry Like the Wolf" and "If You Could Read My Mind."


B.) I don't hear any similarities between Gordon Lightfoot and James Taylor -- and I should know!

P.S. Who remembers when the Durans competed against Spandau Ballet on "Pop Quiz" and the former had no problem recognizing every obscure Spandau song but Spandau was stumped by ... "Hungry Like the Wolf"?!!!!!!!!

Page 1 Roundup (04/27)


Matthew's Island: 15 wet models at the beach

Morning Wood


Monday, April 26, 2021

Separated at Birth: Terri Alden and Jerri Blank?

Damian and I recently (and sort of inadvertently) starting watching "Three's Company." There's no substitute for the Chrissy years, but we found that the Cindy era held up quite well. (Her klutz routine wasn't quite as one-note as I remembered and Jenilee Harrison's comic timing is quite impressive for a newcomer.) Last night, however, Priscilla Barnes showed up and we made a horrifying discovery that once you see it, it cannot be erased.


= Terri Blank

 I know the show is remembered as having recovered nicely with the addition of Barnes -- filling Suzanne Somers's shoes was not easy -- but I've never cared for the Terri Alden character. Janet was already a pill, so it never made sense to add another one in a nurse's uniform. Between Terri's "sexy" baby voice (I don't tolerate baby voices), that horrific going-away party for Cindy when Jack and Larry try to send Terri packing (has there ever been a darker sitcom scene?), and the fact that she was elbowing out a far more likable character, I never got what people saw in her. Will be curious to see if she wins me over the second time around. 

P.S. Does anyone know the dirt on the time Suzanne Somers replaced Priscilla Barnes? Early in production of "She's the Sheriff," a two-page ad was placed in the Jan. 5, 1987, issue of Broadcasting & Cable magazine listing the show under the working title "Suddenly Sheriff" with Priscilla Barnes as the star. Wikipedia says "it is not known exactly when the show's name and casting were finalized," but the after-the-fact irony certainly wasn't lost on me.

Manspread Monday

And an even naughtier spread man BELOW.