Monday, January 25, 2021

Remains of the Day (01/25)

I hope Rudy Giuliani winds up as financially bankrupt as he is morally for his role in promulgating the 'Big Lie'  

Supreme Court dismisses emoluments cases against Trump, because apparently all you have to do is run out the clock 

Pennsylvania state Rep. Jeff Pyle is slammed for a transphobic post mocking ex-health secretary Rachel Levine 

Pioneering South African AIDS researcher Joseph Sonnabend dies at 88 

As idiotic as the coverage will be, it sure beats family separations 

The president’s order, reversing a Trump administration policy, creates opportunities for young trans people whose dreams of serving in the military had been sidetracked

Feds charge New Jersey gym owner for allegedly punching cop at Capitol riots 

Moderna is working on vaccine booster for new variant 

The current minority party's goal isn't to have a voice -- but to seize power, anti-democratically. 

Can someone please find Sherrod Brown's long-lost twin, Jerrod, and get him to run? 

Honoring those who paved the way 

Leave Matt Gaetz alone -- he doesn't want 'son' Nestor's eye to wander ... 

Cable access classic 'The Jack E. Jett Show' returns thanks to director Chris Rentzel 

Start your week with a bang! 

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