Monday, May 01, 2017

Unitard Kicks Off Joe's Pub Residency on Wednesday

The comedy trio Unitard kicks off a four-week gig at Joe's Pub on Wednesday, guaranteed to be the antidote to these times that ail us. These "arbiters of biting bitchiness and snappy satire" were in rare form when I saw them at the Stonewall Inn in 2015, but promise even higher highs and lower lows as we cross the 100-day mark into "reality" government. Made up of the combined talents of Mike Albo (who had me in hysterics with "The Junket" and "Spermhood"), Nora Burns (fresh off her critically acclaimed run of her moving "David's Friend") and David Ilku (member of the Dueling Bankheads), you'd have to be the biggest stick in the mud to not have a fun time at this shindig. I'll be there opening night. Get your tickets HERE.

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