Thursday, February 09, 2017

A Bolger in My Pants

#TBT When I came face to face with John Bolger in 2007, who was the object of my desire since I saw him in the seminal gay film "Parting Glances" in 1986. (Charming, but probably could have done without my explaining how I used to "use" photos of him -- oops!)

Seeing Robert and Michael's relationship in "Parting Glances" was the first time I realized being gay could be "normal."

 Fun facts: Bolger played Samantha's lover who liked baby talk on "Sex and the City." He is the great nephew of Ray Bolger, who played the Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz."

He also played Jason Alexander's brother(!) on the short-lived sitcom "Everything's Relative" in 1987.

Gives good head (shot)

1 comment:

jaragon said...

A very good film that should be better known