Thursday, May 09, 2013

Openly Gay USA Today Columnist Signs Off

Craig Wilson pens his final column for USA Today. (He took a buyout after 16 years at the paper.) In it, he writes that he will miss his readers most of all, including those how weren't a fan of his homosexuality:
And some of you were offended by the fact I wrote so openly about my longtime partner, Jack. I have no regrets. It was my little contribution to the cause. 
But the column was never political. It was just a slice of life — my love of outdoor showers, a good snowstorm, and screen doors that slam shut on warm summer nights.
Enjoy your time off, Craig! Read on HERE.

1 comment:

Blobby said...

He seems / seemed like a nice guy, though there was nothing in those articles he wrote every Wednesday that really amounted to anything at all. I wasn't sure why they gave him the space.