Friday, February 04, 2011

Montel Williams Responds to 'Homophobe' Allegation

Just heard from Montel Williams regarding what Charles Perez said about him in his new self-published tell-all, "Confessions of a Gay Anchorman." (To be clear, my posts are about what Perez wrote about various people, not what I believe about them.) While Williams' "some of my best friends inner circle are LGBT-ers" may be a bit cliche, the myriad e-mails I've gotten about Perez seems to indicate you might want to take anything he says with a grain of salt. Your response is duly noted, Mr. Williams.


Unknown said...

Montel Williams pushed for medical marijuana last month in his home state of Maryland and is a progressive person. I don't believe he is a homophobic.

P Zimmerman said...

I am a former navy linguist who was discharged for being gay. Montel Williams was my division officer while I was in the Navy. He made numerous anti-gay comments, especially about me, to various members of the division.

In 1993, I was invited to be a member of a panel on his show about Gays and Lesbians in the military. Charles Perez, who at that time worked for Montel Williams, called me and told me that Montel would not permit me to be on the panel, because "they could not be sure what I would say" and then told me that they had to protect Montel's "public image."

From the comments that Montel made about me to various members of division, I have no doubt whatsoever that he IS a homophobe.

Anonymous said...

Having seen him on TV for years, I was a little surprised that Montel was not gay himself...he sure seems gay.