Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Page 1 Consider (07/15)

  • The Sex Files: It's not his infamous red Speedo, but sex addict David Duchovy has still got it. (More pics @Popbytes)

  • White House Summit: President Obama has concerns about Serena Williams' hooker heals. (AP)

  • Cool Blue: The buzz on the new Jerry Bruckheimer-Dylan McDermott show, "Dark Blue," isn't great. Still, Mr. Blue Eyes doesn't seem too fazed: "You never know. It's like throwing a big party and wondering if anyone will come." A party with Dylan McDermott on hand? That I wouldn't miss. (NYT)

  • Coup Your Jets: As the dust slowly begins to settle in Albany, Gov. David Paterson said that he will wait until Septebmer to push for the vote on marriage equality for New York. (365Gay)

  • For Your Eyes Only: You know you're "getting up there" when you're not willing to sit through the god-awful latest installation of "The Real World: Wherever" even when there are cute naked boys running around. Luckily, Frank has the pics so you don't have to listen to them talk. (OMG Blog!) (not work friendly) Meanwhile, Greg in Hollywood explains why he's glad he doesn't watch "Big Brother" anymore, either.

  • Change We Can Believe In? President Obama tells Anderson Cooper (wink) he wants quick "change" -- not "repeal" -- of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (Huffington Post) Meanwhile, Harry Reid said he would back a permanent repeal of the ban, an idea Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (aka That Chick Who Replaced Hillary) has been mulling on a more temporary basis.

  • Orange Juice: Don't find the existing cast members of "The Real Housewives of Orange County" repugnant enough? Not to fret. Alexis Bellino, a stay-at-home mom, is joining the cast and is sure to give you something to hate. (Bricks and Stones)

  • Shameless: Republican Sen. John Ensign says he has no plans to resign despite his affair with a staffer's wife and his parents' $96,000 payout to the woman's family, and will seek re-election in 2012. Are Mommy and Daddy paying for the re-election campaign too? (AP)

  • Parrish the Thought: "Weeds" cutie Hunter Parrish shows you how to dress like a big man on campus. (GQ)

  • Supreme Embarrassment: A room full of privileged white men indignantly challenging an Hispanic woman about her ability to leave her prejudices at the door when ruling on court cases is a little more than I can stomach. (NYT)

  • Jackass Central: Two bloggers associated with a send-up video about the Azerbaijan government, which has been accused of overpaying to import donkeys, were arrested last week, in what critics are saying was an act of retaliation against them. Adding insult to injury, though, the government claims they've never even heard of their sites. (Ouch!) (NYT)

  • True Colors: The Clintons will never be running for president again and guess what? Bill now supports gay marriage. (Something tells me you were with us all along, Bubba.) (SFGate)

  • Hortons Hears a Whoo-Hoo! My friends in Detroit -- not to mention everybody up in Canada -- would die laughing if they saw what a media frenzy the opening of a few Tim Horton doughnut shops has caused in Manhattan. (NYDN)

  • Gay for Pray: Although I can't for the life of me understand why gay people insist on wanting to be a part of something that so completely rejects them (i.e. organized religions), I guess it's good news that the Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly yesterday to open the door to consecrate more bishops who are openly gay. Bring on the inevitable backlash. (NYT)

  • Must-Flee TV: This review of New York radio host Wendy Williams' new talk show might be the funniest thing I've read in years: Hank Stuever says "The Wendy Williams Show" is so jittery and lamebrained that it makes "Tyra" look like "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" and adds, it's "an exploration of narcissistic divadom gone haywire." (WashPost)

  • Everything's Bigger, Even Homophobia: Mayor Mike Moncrief of Fort Worth apologized for a raid on a gay bar that sparked claims of brutality and procedure violations after several members of a gay rights group were escorted out of a City Council meeting Tuesday. (Chron) Meanwhile, the fallout continues from the two gay men who were thrown out of a Chico's Tacos restaurant in El Paso for kissing -- and the police officer who endorsed their ouster. (AP)

  • Spare Us: A newly single Nick Lachey looking good at the annual charity bowling event for the foundation of his BFF Matt Leinart, who doesn't think his bud should get back together with his just-dumped ex-wife. "That was a long time ago; they've grown up. It's in the past for a reason." (PartyGirl)

    Hephaestion said...

    I spent a full hour watching the Wendy Williams Show trying to figure out if she's a drag queen. I still can't tell. Is she? Is she the new RuPaul?

    - said...

    Long live Tim Hortons!

    Matthew said...

    The thing about Bill is like GREAT YAY and also YOU FUCKER, because exactly as you say he's free to be himself now (and you're right, it probably IS an indication she won't run again...or a calculation that in 7 years it'll be cool with everyone to be pro-marriage equality). Anyway, something I find annoying despite being annoyed myself with Obama's inaction on gay topics was reading a popular blogger saying as recently as a year ago it was something he could stand, to just look the other way as Democrats pretended to have objections to marriage equality out of political expedience, but no more! So the Clintons and everyone else get grandfathered in but Obama is a complete bigot and asshole and liar for the same thing?