Monday, October 16, 2023

Remains of the Day (10/16)


Gr8er Days: We're all bummed about the death of the woman who gave us one of TV's most iconic characters (who, by the way, dramatically changed for the better from Season 1 to 2, à la Karen Walker). But I have to say I'm one of the few to point out that Suzanne Somers was bit of a nutjob -- between her immaculate conception of son Bruce (she claims she didn't have intercourse when she got pregnant as an unwed young woman!), yearslong trolling of Obama, endless love for Crazy Donald and her "do you own (completely unscientific) research" approach to just about everything -- even if I'm also the first to say it was strangely hard to hold much of it against her. (How likeable do you have to be to pull that off?) I'll always wonder what her immediately-post-"Three's Company" CBS sitcom where she played a flight attendant would have been like, had she not been banned for using the persona she created. RIP, Christmas Snow. 

WaPo: This story about a trans woman who joined a sorority at the University of Wyoming is harrowing (and occasionally heartwarming). But how disgusting do you, Caitlyn Jenner, have to be to call someone you've never met “a perverted, sexually deviant male"?

WaPo: "Sexy" calendar of homeless men: Exploitative or empowering? (My issue? I've seen waaay sexier houseless guys before -- and there should also be a "Hunks of 'Hoarders'" calendar!)


Jinxy said...

I was bummed when she came out in support of Trump a few years ago. I can't find any reports of the immaculate conception tho! When did she say this???

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Jinxy: It was in her memoir!

AB said...

Those manspread pics 😈😮