Friday, December 24, 2021

Page 1 Roundup (12/24)

The New York TimesJoan Didion, writer who explored culture and chaos, dies at 87; Question: Am I the only one who thought 'The Year of Magical Thinking' should have been a magazine article and 'Blue Nights" should have been her magnum opus?

Hot Cat of the Day: 'I thought I heard a meow.'


Stephen said...

I am not having a problem opening this article. Try this link.

Stephen said...

Never put cat feeding area near the litter box. No one, especially a dog or cat, lies to eat next to the toilet.

Blobby said...

well Ricky Martin was disappointing. Shorts? In a bathtub?? Sigh

Steve Reed said...

I never read "Blue Nights," though I liked "Magical Thinking." Guess I need to rectify that!