Thursday, August 19, 2021

Page 1 Roundup (08/19)

Hot Cat of the Day: Funny to see such an adorable little teller because I was just thinking about the early days of ATMs.

For years my parents continued to call them the "Ugly Teller" -- a brilliant name, by the way! -- but it was only yesterday that I dug around a bit and realized that the term was actually trademarked by (you guessed it) United Bank of Arizona! I remember a friend in college from Philadelphia used to call 'em "Mac machines" -- that made about as much sense as a going to "a Wawa" -- but that too is ancient history. Do you recall what you first called automated teller machines? Bonus points if you avoid saying PIN number!


Milfdel said...

Harvey Wallbanker. (Equitable Trust Co., Maryland).

Kj said...

Canada’s biggest Trust company hired Johnny Cash and called their ATMs Johnny Cash machines. The company was later bought by TD Bank - do New Yorkers even realize “America’s most convenient bank” is Canadian, and that the T stands for Toronto and the D stands for Dominion (of Canada)?

You can google the 2 ads he made in the 80’s.

j said...

I thought Mrs DeBlasio had gotten a huge money grant to hep the mentally ill and the homeless? I wonder where that money was spent- not in the city?

Edgar_Carpenter said...

I worked on testing the first state-wide ATM system rolled out by Wells Fargo Bank, in San Francisco, in the later 70s - and we called them ATMs. The bank called them something else publicly, I don't remember what, something warmer and friendlier than "automated teller". They weren't sure yet how popular they'd be.

Adam said...

ActionBank 24

Mick said...

The Cash Machine

Anonymous said...

It was a TYME machine (slogan was "Take Your Money Everywhere") in central Wisconsin

Rix said...

Security Pacific called them Ready Tellers.
Vandenburg FCU wanted to call them Minute Men, but some other financial service firm held the trademark.