Friday, July 02, 2021

Song of the Day: 'Disney Girls'

I first fell in love with this song when it appeared on the debut album by the Captain and Tennille, "Love Will Keep Us Together," which I bought at Korvettes in Madison Heights when I waas 8 years old and would bring to listen to during lunch hour and parties at Hiller Elementary. (I used my trusty labelmaker to put my name in the upper-right corner to ward off potential ownership mishaps or police involvement.) I had to have been the only kid in Ms. Schnabel's fourth-grade class who was already prone to nostalgia -- which I'll blame on a father who vanished when I was 5 and the popularity of "Happy Days," a series you couldn't show your face in school on Wednesdays if you had missed the night before. 

Although I still adore Toni Tennille's gender-flipped rendition, Art Garfunkel's version a couple years later on his "Watermark" LP quickly replaced it as my definitive version. I don't even think I realized just how wistful it was until I paid closer attention to the lyrics in my adulthood -- and stumbled upon the Beach Boys original, having not even realized it was a Bruce Johnston composition. 

But not a lot has changed in the 47 years since I first heard this corny song: I've still got my love to give, and a place to live. And you can be sure I'm gonna stay.


Scott said...

I loved y Breakaway Album. I must have played it raw.

Michael Knock said...

I loved this song. Still have the LP upstairs.

Dave said...

ahhh. korvettes. so many memories. so many $2.99 albums. did you know before it was a korvettes it was the j.l. Hudson discount store (Hudsons Rainbow). did your mom take you to see the captain and tennile that year at the michigan state fair?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Dave: Yes, those cheap albums! Sadly I didn't get to see the Captain or Tennille live. :-(