The Daily News: Javits Center begins transformation into coronavirus medical complex
Democrats again block GOP's coronavirus relief package, saying it is a dream for big corporations and a nightmare for struggling Americans
Instagram: Tush Tuesday
The Times: Is Daniel Craig the world's oldest rent boy?
Michael Musto: 18 escapist movies you should watch right now
Brian Ferrari: New York is a ghost town
Associated Press: Trump crashes White House meetings to contradict experts
Washington Blade: Reggie Greer named Biden campaign’s LGBTQ liaison
The Randy Report: Who wants to work out with the Chippendales at home?
Boy Culture: Nashom Wooden aka Mona Foot dies of COVID-19
The WoW Report: Overstuffed jockstrap alert
OMG: Uncut Argentinian meat, anyone?

New York Post: Gay lawyer in Manhattan dies of coronavirus after saying he was improving

New York Post: Gay lawyer in Manhattan dies of coronavirus after saying he was improving
The Washington Post: Senate negotiators cite progress on coronavirus bill after day of drama and rancor
Before Trump called for reevaluating lockdowns, they shuttered six of his top-earning clubs and resorts
Fauci gets frank about Trump: ‘I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down’
Fauci gets frank about Trump: ‘I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down’
The New York Times: How a soirée in Connecticut became a ‘Super Spreader’
The Wall Street Journal: Coronavirus closes salons and amateurs take hair into their own hands
How to avoid eating all day while coronavirus keeps us working from home
Former staffers sue Bloomberg campaign over layoffs
Former staffers sue Bloomberg campaign over layoffs
Hot Cat of the Day: When social distancing doesn't apply.
Thanks again for all your work here - I'm stuck at home in Guadalajara, and your blog, including your roundups, is one of the ways I'm staying in touch with the rest of the world. All the best!
Daniel Craig May be in a very sexualized franchise but he has been incredibly successful. He shouldn’t criticize the character that made him and we shouldn’t criticize the fact he looks good shirtless after all this time.
Six weeks ago, every Republican senator ignored their oath of office and voted to acquit President Trump during the Impeachment proceedings, even though many of them acknowledged that Trump was guilty.
I hope they're proud of their actions. Imagine how much worse the pandemic would get if we had some incompetent bumbling sociopath setting policy and keeping us safe, instead of the Very Stable Genius who, thanks to the GOP, is still President.
We'll never know how many lives will be lost because of Trump's lies, inaction, and disregard for scientific and medical authorities.
I hope that the voters are repeatedly reminded that every single Republican senator is complicit in making this pandemic and its casualties much worse than it would have been had their fear of being primaried hadn't been greater than their sense of duty to the law and to their country.
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