Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Song of the Day: 'Pacer' by the Amps

Was tickled that the Breeders did a few songs by Kim Deal's mid-90s band, the Amps, on Sunday at the Bowery Ballroom. What was supposed to be a side project while Kelley Deal was in rehab turned out to basically be the followup to "Last Splash" given the fact that it had as many classic members playing on it as either of the actual followups. (Kelley even makes an appearance.) Just found this video for the title track and was surprised it features a different mix of the song from the album, which ranks as one of my favorites from the era.

1 comment:

Big Deal said...

kelley's post-rehab solo release "go to the sugar altar" is a great follow-up, too - but i'm sure you know this.