Friday, January 27, 2017

An Instagram of Memories of People We've Lost to AIDS

Follow on Instagram HERE.

If you want to kill a few hours -- and risk wanting to kill yourself because of all the heartbreak -- head over to The AIDS Memorial Instagram. Billed as a place "preserving the legacy of the AIDS epidemic with stories of love, loss and remembrance." the account is the perfect evolution of the famed AIDS Memorial Quilt, only more information can be shared about the person depicted -- stories, obituaries, bios -- and way more people have access to it.  

The page was set up somewhat anonymously by a guy named Stuart in Scotland, who explained to i-D what his inspiration was: 
"I was always struck by how many talented people passed away and were just forgotten about. People could've lived and achieved much more but didn't get that option. For a long time lots of people just didn't want to talk about AIDS, so I started looking for people's stories." 
As the deadliest years of the plague thankfully fade into the distance, Instagram seems like the perfect setting to remind younger people of the generation of men and women whose lives were wiped out way too soon.

Hello, Kelly!

So handsome.

Derek Anson Jones was the director of "Wit."

Artist Tom Bianchi remembers his friend David 

Seeing Nora Burns's show about her friend David tonight.

Submit your story to the following address:

1 comment:

James Greenlee said...

Well, there is basically my sex life in the 80s.