Thursday, June 09, 2016

Page 1 Roundup (06/09)

It's a testament to The Post's hatred for unions that this is the cover story ...

when CLEARLY the take of the rise and fall of identical yoga twins Alexandria and Anastasia Duval -- that ended in what many believe was a high-speed, hair-pulling botched murder-suicide off the side of a mountain in Hawaii -- was clearly more up their ally! Read HERE.

The Daily News outdoes itself with "Weak End at Bernie's"! Even his "fangirl" Joy Behar thinks he should get out now ...

I know what it's like to feel vitriol toward politicians (Bush, Cruz, McConnell, etc.), but somehow the idea that Hillary Clinton could invoke a similar feeling in people is something I cannot even begin to understand, yet clearly I know it's true. (I'm not kidding -- why would anyone not like the nice lady who is so smart?)  The New York Times looks to figure it out HERE.

Ice Creamed: Brazil’s Hockey Team Struggles With Basics—Like Skating ...

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