Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Page 1 Roundup (04/06)

I disagree with Sanders here. I think letting gun victims sue gun manufacturers would be a great way to sidestep the whole Second Amendment bullshit. And then once they have to pay out a few huge sums, THEY will be begging to have background checks before they'll let just anyone buy a gun.

Great night for Sanders, but it just reminds me even more of Clinton in 2008, when she won the last six of nine primaries, some by VERY large margins.

Thought it was classic that the Allergan CEO called the Treasury Department's change in laws that scuttled the inversion deal with Pfizer as "un-American." How dare you not let a U.S. company pretend it is Irish so it can avoid paying proper U.S. taxes?!!!!

This is going to be a nail-biter, no?

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