Thursday, March 03, 2016

Mork & Tracy

Jonathan Winters and Tracy Austin

Here's a blast from the '80s past my brother Bill dug up for me yesterday. And I'm not gonna lie -- if I learned how to make gold, I'd hire Tracy Austin as my tennis instructor, too! Love, love, love the Gunze sportswear and Spalding Tracy Austin Autograph racket, not to mention her hair. And her line was a classic: "Come on, Mearth. I'll show you how to blink back the tears when the line calls go against you." 

I once had tickets to do a clinic with Trace at the Ahwatukee Tennis Center by my parents' house in Phoenix, but my plane arrived late and even though I made it to town just in time, I couldn't bring myself to say hi to my mom -- after not seeing her for a year -- and then immediately ditch her, so missed it. (Molly probably would have understood given my lifelong fandom, but it just felt wrong at the time.) Who knows, maybe one day I'll strike gold ...

Robin Williams "presents" Tracy with an Emmy for her work!

Original air date: April 15, 1982 (long after I'd stopped watching the show)

A mention of the appearance in the Gus Goodsports' Report


Did you see Billie Jean King get hired as Emery's coach on "Fresh Off the Boat"? She was hilarious!

(Listen to the full audio above)

UPDATE: May 14, 2024: I posted the clip of Tracy and the "Tennis Channel Live" gang discussed it HERE!

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