Friday, August 21, 2015

Introducing Candis Cayne ... Again

Fantastic piece by Jacob Bernstein in The New York Times about Candis Cayne, whose gender-identity journey is not your typical "trapped in the wrong body at birth" saga we often hear about. Read HERE.

remember you when, gurl! 

1 comment:

Vice Squad said...

LOVE Candis Cayne! I have never been into drag performers because of how caricature-ish they tend to be. But Cayne is a natural born performer, effortlessly confident and genuinely sexy. Years ago, I took an out-of-town friend to see a performance at the Viceroy. During a lull midway though he realized what it was all about, and blurts "THAT'S A DUDE???" Cayne winked and blew him a kiss. I think that evening was the most fun my friend from San Diego ever had. Candis Cayne has an amazing effect on people.