Monday, August 24, 2015

A 'Difficult' Post

This Rolling Stone piece sums up the Hulu series "Difficult People" pretty well, although I'd substitute "gap-for-oxygen funny" for "occasionally humorous, but is funnier in theory than in execution." I'm loath to criticize this show because I'm a fan of its principals, Julie Klausner and Billy Eichner. But every time I watch I find myself rooting for it and then wincing in disappointment, wishing it were sharper and funnier. (See one-liner above: Get it? Jews aren't "man's men." Sigh.) Perhaps my view is colored by the fact that I've been around Billy Eichner on a handful of occasions -- parties, bar-hopping with a mutual friend, plus seeing his brilliant "Creation Nation" and "Pitch" appearance -- and he's WAY FUNNIER in real life. I'd say the best way to gauge whether you'll like it -- A LOT of people do -- is disclosing that "Mary Tyler Moore," "The Bob Newhart Show" and "The Comeback" are my kind of television, and that I find throw-everything-and-hope-something-sticks sitcoms like "30 Rock" and "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" intolerable, so my sense of humor definitely isn't in line with shows like this one, which has a similar rapid-fire style and is big on references you have to know about to get. That being said, there's usually just enough in each episode -- a funny setup, a memorable one-liner -- to make it worth watching, which makes it better than a lot of stuff out there. What "Difficult People" tells me is that even if you're smart and talented, making a really good show is way harder than it looks ... which makes me appreciate current fare like "Vicious," "Catastrophe" and "Barely Famous" all the more.


von said...

Ken, I love how insanely different our tastes are. We would make a terrible couple.

Haven't seen this show, but I'm assuming by your quick review I would probably love it. Thanks for the recommendation!!

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Von: I'm not for everyone. :-)

Nick said...

I feel the same way.

Adriana said...

Oddly I found it was funnier in the retelling. (For example when he hit David Byrne with the shop van and then drove away-making me smile just thinking about it!) Felt that way about Larry David also. I've only watched three episodes but my chuckling in the retelling will probably have me going back for more. Supporting cast (Julie's Mom, the coffee shop staff etc) is also stellar!

James said...

I thought for sure I'd love this show, but after watching most of the first episode I decided it was unwatchable. Who could they have meant this show for??

Unknown said...

It's funny, I was thinking the exact same thing. The things he usually loves I have no interest in, and the things he dislikes I usually love (though I haven't seen this show or anything by either of these people).

Bob K said...

Why would there need to be a show called "Difficult People" when there was already a "Seinfeld"?

Give me some real laughs with reasonable happy, reasonably nice folks, no New York Whining -- or go all the way and give me South Park.