Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fit for Print

Nick Youngquest and Charlie Hunnam get different pics from their Spanish and U.S. Men's Health COVERS ... 

Meanwhile ...

Men's Health and Men's Fitness used to be monthly porn for me -- along with some INTERNATIONAL MALE action -- yet I rarely even look at them anymore. (Yes, I'm part of the print problem.)

I do still get Details, however, although I leave it in my lobby for someone to take and just read the iPad version that comes with the subscription. Jamie Dornan's beard sure looks 50 shades of hot. 

1 comment:

Peter Maria said...

Men's Health is so heterocentric (and anti-cat) that I cancelled it after 3 issues. Not sure about Nick Youngquest with that hair, tho. I can't stand most Conde Nast publications, because the vegetable ink they use comes off on my skin. I am fine with it in the interior pages, but they need to always use a glossy cover if they want my subscriptions. I realize the veg ink is supposed to be more environmentally friendly (and probably cheaper), but I don't like having to wash my hands after reading an article. At least not for some article in Vanity Fair about rich European women or female movie stars.