Monday, January 26, 2015

Double Suicide

A bizarre 24 hours in my immediate area. First a murder-suicide took place yesterday afternoon in the lighting department at the Home Depot in Chelsea near my home. Now this morning, a man committed suicide outside the News Corp. building where I work in Midtown. Police have identified the guy as Phillip Perea from Austin, Texas, who was Fox News protester and former employee of a Fox affiliate there. Not sure what his beef was exactly, but this is a screenshot of his Facebook profile. Suicide is the dirty little secret the NRA doesn't want to talk about. As frequently as guns are being used to kill others, their ridiculous accessibility makes suicide an all-too-easy option for many unstable people who might have pulled through otherwise.


JimmyD said...

The Home Depot shooting was also work related. He shot his (former?) supervisor, and then himself. It's sad. It makes me wonder what happened there, to drive him to that!
I do not agree with that tactic but... So many people are asshole to others... maybe this should be a wake-up call to adult bullies??

MJJM said...

LOL. You're like the Fat Joe Jervis readers, now, trying to blame the terrorism in France on Israeli aggression. Try try try to turn any crime political ? Let's look through all the other tragedies in NYC today and see what we can do to twist them to our agendas. Open your newspapers...(let's start with ethnicities of the perps..)

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@MJJM: You seem smart.

ldv said...

Yep, just like the NRA bullied the CDC out of tallying gun-related accidents -- which are hugely common, as any #gunfail search will show -- as a public health issue; guns are involved, so it's a politicized witch hunt! (The actual politicization, of course, is preventing the agency from doing its job.) This guy is horrified anybody would put two and two together or notice that mass shootings seem to almost always end with the perpetrator killing himself, turning it into the messiest form of suicide. And of course comparisons to other industrialized Western countries to see why they don't have this widespread problem are verboten or socialist or whatever.
This link/study backs you up 100%, but then Harvard is full of us liberal coastal elites!