Thursday, August 16, 2012

'Twilight' Zone

 Although I've never seen any of his movies, the photos I've seen of Robert Pattison never did anything for me -- so I thought I was living on another planet or something when everyone would go gaga over him. But I saw him on "The Daily Show" the other night and he was awfully charming and adorable. (I swear Jon Stewart had an erection the entire time he was on.) Here's Robert looking very serious at my old stomping grounds, where he did a Times Talks interview yesterday about his new film, "Cosmopolis." What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

He was a bit too sparkly in the Twilight movies, and I've associated him with teen angst ever since. He's been looking more grownup and like a man lately. I approve.

Anonymous said...

He's always looked like to big wanker! Nothing to his looks.

Donny said...

He seems like a nice guy and I have to admit he has moments where he's very pretty.

Prospero said...

Never found him attractive in the least - a flat-faced, greasy-haired Brit who got lucky.

Gary said...

Good on him for the popularity, but I don't get it. He is average looking at best.

Frank Anthony Polito said...

I remember being quite taken with him in Harry Potter... Then the whole Twilight thing came about and I was NOT impressed. Not to discredit his acting ability, but his eyes are a bit buggy and heavy-lidded for my liking.

bcarter3 said...

First saw him on TV in Germany in a film called "Ring of the Nibelungs". It wasn't very good, but he was...noticable. Then came the Harry Potter movie where he played Cedric Diggory. Damn!

I've never seen the Twilight movies, which pretty much made me lose interest in following his career.

fangurl said...

Oh, come on guys... that jaw line, those blue eyes, that pretty little mouth... how can you not adore him?!? I want one for my very own.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you there.. I don't know what it is but he doesn't do anything for me. Taylor Lautner on the other hand.....