Monday, July 23, 2012

'Family' Matters

Read about the planned Kiss-In at anti-gay Chick-Fil-A, the support of the Jim Henson Company against the so-called "family" poultry company and why Mike Huckabee is as big an asshole as you thought he was HERE.

Whenever I hear that something is a "family company," I get suspicious. (I'm looking at you, SC Johnson.) What does that even mean? Like gay people aren't members of families? They do realize "coming out of the closet" is a figure of speech, don't they? Not where we actually come from.


Out & Equal Houston said...

Just so you know, SC Johnson is a privately held company -- but one that is LGBT friendly. It scores a 90% on the HRC Corporate Equality Index and has been a long-time sponsor/attendee at the annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Out and Equal Houston: I did not know that, so thanks. They always say the "a family company" line at the end of their ads and it makes me cringe a little. This might make that stop!