Friday, March 16, 2012

What a Flake!

I'm sorry, but this is hilarious: 

Via AlphaChronic111: Someone needed to be in disguise this morning to pig out on the 3 train. Jackie O sunglasses, turbo turtleneck, ear buds . . . and a flaky croissant from Pret a Manger to shed all over the floor. Fancy piggy extends his pinkie with each bite but watch what happens around 1:00 when he inhales his butter dough and chokes. It raised the momentary question: does a trainpig deserve the Heimlich?


Anonymous said...

Dizz-gusting! If you have friends or loved ones who dine while in the subway, it's time for you to intervene! If you encounter a stranger eating, make it an obvious point to move away from the perp.
Tom W.

Clueless in Colorado said...

Not living in NYC, or even remotely close) I Guess I don't understand the violent reaction you folks have to people eating on your public transportation. What's the big deal? He doesn't seem to be bothering anyone.

It's pretty common to see people eating on buses/trains in Denver.

What's the big deal?

TrainPigs said...

One word: RATS.