Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An End to New York City's Underground All-You-Can-Eat Buffet?

A bill that would make eating food on the subway punishable by fines up to $250 is working its way through Albany. But until then, my friend Christopher S. -- who hates watching people stuff their faces even more than I do -- has set up a Train Pigs channel on YouTube, where you can watch the behavior that has led to one in 10 subway platforms having rats running around them at any given moment. (That survey was being kind, I assure you.)

Since the proposed legislation doesn't have the support of the MTA chief, Christopher is keeping the public flogging option open until lawmakers step up to the (don't-even-both-with-a) plate. Watch all your favorites -- including Cheez-It Bandit, Utz Party Mix Girl and BBQ Chicken Wing Mama -- right HERE!


Matthew Rettenmund said...

Not a fan of eating on the subway, but I don't think it's THAT big of a deal, certainly not to shame the people doing it and insult their appearances. Maybe if they were just going to call attention to their eating, but calling her a hag, etc., seems harsh. I don't like when people whip out full meals or smelly stuff, but that should be obvious. Or when women put on makeup...that for some reason bothers me. (Isn't the point of makeup to conceal your need for it, yet we're all being discounted as mattering since we see the foundation being laid! But people are busy and they're going to do what they can do when and where they can do it. I feel bad for the pastry hag.

Chad said...

I never thought eating on the train was that big a deal and always questioned the law/rule in DC. People getting fined for sneaking a french fry out of a take-out bag? Seems extreme. But maybe it makes sense. DC's metro is relatively clean. I'd support the law in NYC.

John in DC said...

The DC system has never allowed food and has always been clean so it's a great idea! You always catch a scofflaws though. And there is the periodic stupid Post article that they arrested a teenager for eating on a train and we should feel sorry for them.

Anonymous said...

There should be a law against eating in or on a subway train or platform. Let's face it - some people are pigs and discard their trash and chicken bones on the floor or under a chair. These people have ruined it for the little old lady who nibbles at a chocolate bar kept in her purse. But even she has been known to drop a piece on the floor, so...eating on the subway has GOT to be stopped. It's like having sex n a public bathroom - it's not what it was intended for and the conditions are filthy. Get a room.