Wednesday, December 07, 2011

'X Factor' Host Steve Jones Takes It Off for Ellen

Looks like Rosie O'Donnell isn't the only lesbian talk show host with a thing for a cutie patootie.


Jay said...

I wasn't watching X Factor, but I might start now just to see this cutie, he's smoking...furry and a 6-pack, just what the dr. ordered...

mike said...

To quote Seinfeld, "Sweet fancy Moses."

Anonymous said...

Re: Rosie O'Donnell and the "straight cutie patootie".

Please. That whole "Rosie has a crush on Tom Cruise" thing still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It was so clearly a calculated ploy to make Rosie look "normal" to those legions of female viewers in Middle America (ditto for the cartoon Rosie wearing a dress in the credit sequence. As if!). Clearly it was thought up by her network "handlers" ("How can we make Rosie more 'approachable'and less of a dyke?")and Rosie went along with it.

She still owes us an apology for that one. I'm waiting.