Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rick Perry Loves a Beard

Does a bear shit in the woods? Ask Rick Perry.

OK, now Rick Perry's just fucking with us. Just days after a new book chronicling the Texas governor's alleged history of having sex with men was released, he's taken to announcing his unabashed love for beards? No, he's not talking about his wife, Anita. He's talking about those whiskers that grow out of a man's face. From complimenting a reporter ("Yes air, with the beautiful beard" he said at an event in New Hamphire) to tugging on a white-haired man's facial hair ("We got you a lot going on there -- you’ve got a good full one") to expressing jealousy of another man's beard (“I like your beard. I’d grow one but I’ve got too many -- I’d look like an old mangy dog"), the himbo candidate can bear-ly get enough, even telling Mr. Dream Beard that one of the funnest things he's ever gotten to do in life was play drums with ZZ Top. Note to readers: Be on the lookout for Rick Perry at the next Blowoff event!

His beard fetish was even the Best New Thing in the World last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show"!

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