Monday, October 03, 2011

Foxy Verdict

Amanda Knox, the Washington state college student who was railroaded by a corrupt Italian prosecutor, has been set free by an appeals court in Perugia moments ago! (So was her former boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, who was also falsely accused of murdering Knox's roommate.) This was the greatest miscarriage of justice I have heard about since the West Memphis 3, who were also set free earlier this year. (They spent 18 years in jail.) A great day for justice -- albeit greatly delayed. Let the world community now go after deranged prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, who is nothing more than a predator in a robe.

Interesting to note that many media outlets aren't really playing up the fact that a third defendant, Rudy Guede -- whose DNA was all over the crime scene -- was convicted of Meredith Kercher’s murder in a separate trial (this is not some unsolved murder like the West Memphis 3!) and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. His conviction was upheld on appeal yet his sentence was shortened to 16 years, reportedly because he was willing to reshape his confession to meet Mignini's version of events, namely involving Knox and Sollecito, whose alibi (a computer at Sollecito's apartment on which they say they were there watching a movie) was destroyed -- by prosecutors. And you thought "Brokedown Palace" was bad!


SFRowGuy said...

What's really stupid/sad is the whole time Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito were in jail, law authorities were not trying to find the real killer of Ms Kercher. Along with time, evidence has probably been lost, and the real criminal may never be found.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@SFRowGuy: Funny you should comment as I was updating this post. The real killer was tried and locked up! (Check my update.) It's funny that the media is not playing this fact up much. The prosecutor knows who did it, but wants to stick with his original "group" theory because he's obsessed with Satanic killings and sacrifices, even if there is no evidence of one.

Anonymous said...

There's still a lot of unanwered questions on this case. Meredith suffered 40+ stab wounds and incisions from two different knives, so there must have been more than one killer. The alibi Knox and her boyfriend offered is weak at best and her bizarre behavior did her no favors (Time Magazine speculated that she may have undiagnosed Asberger's Syndrome). The prosecutor has his own baggage, but Knox is not totally in the clear. Was she there that night? (She called her mother around the time the body was found, the middle of the night in Seattle.) Did she walk in on something? There's more to this...

Anonymous said...

Cool it, just don't know.