Thursday, August 04, 2011

Tenant Dearest

Yesterday, I blogged about Faye Dunaway's New York landlord suing to have the Oscar winner evicted from her dubious rent-stabilized apartment. Today, The New York Times follows up on its story, with news that the actress has responded to complaint against her, and of course she's reacting exactly how you would expect her to. The Times writes: “I have not been evicted,” she said in one of three voice mail messages for a reporter with The New York Times in response to phone messages and a Times article on Wednesday about a lawsuit seeking to evict her from a rent-stabilized apartment. “I have chosen to leave because of the state of the apartment, and also because I am spending less and less time in New York.” Nicely played, Faye. Bow out gracefully -- like any Oscar-winning actress would -- by pretending it was YOUR decision to leave. No hard feelings. But then the REAL Joan Crawford Faye Dunaway starts reaching for the receiver and she just can't resist leaving one -- or a half-dozen -- of her infamous voice-mail messages.


A voice-mail from Faye Dunaway: "Let's not even go there."

She later called the paper back to explain that her landlord, Henry Moses, "refused to paint the house, and bugs were everywhere" and referred to him as being "greedy," a charge The Times says prompted a retort by the landlord’s lawyer that those statements were made by an actress whose credits include “Mommie Dearest.” From there, Dunaway declared that Moses was “a slum landlord” and "has no class.” He responded by replaying the messages left by Dunaway. “I hope you need that money like crazy and you’ll give it to poor people,” she said to Moses. “I hope you have a terrible life.” That's my girl!


Anonymous said...

Ken, such a pissy attitude in your article there. Is it not possible to report the facts without exuding the stereotypical qualities of a bitchy, pissy, negative on everything opinionated diva?

Christopher said...

Stories like this make me glad to be alive!!

Anonymous: I'm really upset! VERY upset! You are a BIG liar and I don't even want to discuss it. You have NOTHING in your comment about Kenneth and Marlon Brando and his trip to Costa Rica! He was WONDERFUL on that trip. I am NOT GOING TO APPROVE your comments! I'd like you to trim down your bitchy comments. Why can't you be obsessed on positive things? Let's not even go there!