Friday, May 06, 2011

RIP, Sada Thompson

Sad to hear of Sada Thompson's passing, even if I probably thought she'd already died. Watching "Family" with my mom is one of my favorite childhood memories -- she always thought Willie was so much like my brother Bill, and Buddy was just like me. (I know what you're thinking, hard to believe my mom ever thought I was that butch.) That show was so juicy: gay friends, lesbian teachers, adultery, alcoholism -- and that's just Meredith Baxter Birney's real life! Sada always reminded me of my no-nonsense great aunt Dorothy (below) -- unlike so many TV moms, she was so real -- and perhaps there's a reason why. I was a little boy when "Family" aired, but apparently Thompson was a highly acclaimed theater actress. Read her fascinating NY Times obit HERE. Like Abe Vigoda, she will be missed.


Mike said...

Unmentioned in the NY Times obit is my favorite performance of Ms. Thompson's, that being "Andre's Mother", Terrace McNally's short film (1 hour) that appeared on "American Playhouse" on PBS in 1990. She could say so much without saying a word. Terrace McNally deservedly won an Emmy for writing, and in accepting his award he thanked Ms. Thompson for making his words "superfluous". How true. And how sad that Ms. Thompson was not even nominated for her performance. She was one of those rare actors who could make such a lasting impression even with minimal time on screen. RIP, indeed, and thank you.

Blobby said...

'Family' is where I learned I was Gay. Willy's friend, Zeke, came out to him and Willy wondered if he too might be 'that way'.

Matthew Broderick's dad said all boy's go through that phase, but I knew.....I knew.

And I knew it was ok by watching Zeke.

nojarama said...

I absolutely adored that show. She will be missed!

KingRoper said...

Abe Vigoda is NOT DEAD!

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@KingRoper: I know, that's the joke!