Monday, April 18, 2011

Queerty: 2005-2011

Some rather surprising news from the world of LGBT blogs: Queerty is calling it a day, after more than five years in the blogosphere. This has some personal significance to me. Queerty launched a few days after my blog but with much greater fanfare under the umbrella of David Hauslaib's growing media empire -- and was the first blog to link to my site. If not for original editor Bradford Shellhammer linking to my Madonna as Valerie Cherish post -- which then got picked up everywhere -- I probably would have joined the millions of others who blogged for a month and then quit. But that exposure and the feedback it generated fueled my desire and has kept me going all these years later. Andy Towle has more details on Hauslaib's decision to shut Queerty down -- something about a partnership that unraveled -- but I have to say it comes at an inopportune time. After largely ignoring the site for a number of years, I'd become a regular visitor via Twitter, and I can honestly say I will miss it now that it's gone. Here's wishing everyone from the Queerty family much success in their future projects, on- and offline.


super_mark said...

it really sucks...i will miss their posts. they should have left part of the site open for goodbye comments. saaaaaad :_(

Chad said...

Sorry to hear about Queerty shutting down. Definitely made its mark in the Blogosphere. I can't say that I read it every day (like yours and Towleroad), but filled a certain niche in gay media. I actually have been reading David's boyfriend Trent's blog "Pink is the New Blog" for years! That was my first gossip blog and my choice over Perez Hilton. Much continued success to Trent and hoping that David embarks on a new project soon.

Anonymous said...

I used to like queerty but lately had become a hack site against certain people. constant negative posts against the same set of entertainers so queerty regulars could rag so I won't miss the queerty of late, just the old queerty...

MJJM said...

David Hauslaib was a complete creep. There are many examples, but the best was when he virtually stated that Don Imus desrved his recently being diagnosed with cancer because of his "nappy-headed hos" comment. (This about a man who had run a camp for children with cancer, of all races, for years). Then, when Imus came out in support of gay marriage, Hauslaib ignored the story. He is the definitive example of the transplant-to-New York vicious ghetto gay.

Anonymous said...

How do I purchase this site and keep it running?

chris K said...

Thats sad. I used to read this articles over breakfast. I used to like the way that it was all written up and the format was easy to follow.

It will definitely be missed.