Joe Jonas and an almost embarrassingly stereotypical entourage pulled up in TWO huge black Suburbans at Westville a bit ago (yep, they both double-parked). He's a cute kid -- we were all outside waiting for tables for a while -- but I couldn't bring myself
to admit that I went to high school with his mother in the early '80s. Michael ended up going to the bathroom and sneaked a photo ("for his niece"). I wonder if hanging out in Chelsea is part of his team's plan to make people think he is not gay. Welcome to the neighborhood, Joe!
Joe Jonas with sexually questionable friends at the Grove in LA, a mall that's in WeHo and is normally frequented by many, many gay men.
He's really not trying to hide it anymore, is he?
The rumor-vine says he’s gay and the gurls are just beards. I think he’s as hot as they cum.
@Vin: The Vine isn't really anywhere near West Hollywood, but your point is well taken!
gay, gay, gay, i say...
Actually feel sorry for him. The Biebs, our hometown’s brightest star now, has taken a lot of the girls away from the Jonas brothers. And Joe can’t come out without a lot of anger from ignorant middle Americans who would more than likely make him a persona non grata with their teen-age girls. Success is VERY hard to handle and I think Justin’s mom and Mr/Mrs Jonas have grounded their offspring pretty well … but a gay Jonas bro would not really work. Too bad, he needs to be who he is. AND HE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS! imho
he said The Grove, not the Vine. The Grove is very near WeHO
There's a gay Jonas but it's not Joe.
@Jim Beam - The rumor mill is just that. Rumors. There's not one shred of evidence to back up the accusation. No secret boyfriends threatening to come out of the shadows. No spottings at gay hangout spots. Nothing. Joe doesn't need to come out because he's not gay. Do you know why people accuse Joe of being gay? There are two main reasons. The first reason is simply because he's a Jonas Brother and for some reason it's still socially acceptable to call someone gay as if it's the ultimate insult. The second reason is because he's open-minded and tolerant enough to hang out with gay males. It's very sad that in 2011 being comfortable with who you are and having friends that may be gay brings questions about your own sexuality.
Oh, Rach, you are so funny.
Laughs aside, Jim Beam, I've worked for Disney, and you're aren't exactly incorrect. That goes for Joe and well as about a dozen of Disney's male "stars."
Don't act surprised.
No proof that he sent this in himself. But this certainly adds fuel to the fire.
Anonymous said...
No proof that he sent this in himself. But this certainly adds fuel to the fire.
It pretty much explains everything, right? I mean, unfortunately Joe didn't post that picture on that site. Someone just copied it and posted there for no reason at all.
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