Thursday, January 13, 2011

'Dynasty': Sammy Jo Dances (With No Embarrassment)

I may be the only gay boy of the '80s who didn't watch "Dynasty," but I still love every minute of this clip of Heather Locklear in action.


Dwight Supremacy said...

I vaguely remember wanting to be able to dance like Sammy Jo while watching this all those years ago. A small remnant of that desire still exists today!

Blobby said...

Just an FYI. Years ago when we gays would go out drinking and getting ready to go to another bar or leave - we'd "Sammy Jo" our drinks.

You know, where SJ just throws back the drink to finish it off in the most unrefined manner.

We still use the phrase.

Billy 2 said...

I live in Australia and Dyasty was compulsory viewing. Oh the bitchiness and high camp of the whole show.

Snottyboy said...

You didn't miss anything.

Jeff In Boston said...

The Krystal-Alexis lily pond fight is still one of the best moments in camp television ever.

Anonymous said...

I never watched Dynasty either, but who is the hunky blond with the mustache? Hottt!