Sunday, February 07, 2010

Not Ready for Prime Time Players

On the heels of his brilliant televised Q&A session with Republicans, President Obama said Sunday that he would convene a half-day bipartisan health care session at the White House to be televised live this month, which The Times is calling "a high-profile gambit that will allow Americans to watch as Democrats and Republicans try to break their political impasse."

While it's pathetic that the president would have to shaming our elected officials into actually doing work, I think this is a brilliant move as it forces Republicans to actually stand behind their (in)actions without being able to spew lies about the Dems' plan -- or do so knowing that they will be called out on their deceptions on national television.

Now how much do you want to bet that GOP leadership will refuse to have anything to do with this? Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Rep. John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leaders, will say that they WOULD have gone along with it, but only if the president started things "from scratch," something the president has already said he will not do.

If it does happen, it will be hilarious seeing how Fox News gets out of televising this one.

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