Monday, December 21, 2009

The Andy Murray Diaries

It looks like all of those Simpsons parodies are finally paying off. BBC America is now airing "Britain's Worst Teeth," a docudrama that "follows four 20-somethings with some of the worst teeth in Britain" (hence the name).

BBC America explains:

Their teeth are so bad they affect every aspect of their lives. They are in pain and are embarrassed to go out. They find eating and speaking difficult, and not surprisingly, they find it difficult to attract partners. There is an epidemic of poor teeth in Britain. 1 in 5 people never visit the dentist. 1 in 10 is terrified of the dentist chair. Sugar consumption, eating disorders, and bad diet make Britain's global reputation for being a nation of terrible teeth completely justified. All might not be lost. Three of Britain's top dentists have agreed to take on these four cases and see if they can do anything to save their terrible teeth.

Sounds delightful. Other upcoming topics in the network's "Reveals" series include: "Too Ugly to Love" (I thought we had this one already covered); "Perfect Private Parts"; "Britain's Youngest Grannies"; "Sex Change Soldier"; and "Love Me, Love My Doll."

1 comment:

Basel-based Michael said...

See it as a filmed coming-out group for the Brits. They air shows like "Embarrassing bodies" with different groups of a the population (teens, male, female, over 60ies) to encourage them to see their GPs (BTW the National Helath System NHS is completely free for EVERYBODY, even though it is quite basic). They turn up with some really nasty stuff, just to show people that they are not alone and a lot of people have diseases like eczema, hemorrhoids and lovely ulcurous atrocities, which are not as "fashionable" as cancer or flu. The pictures are often quite disgusting and you see some stuff you never imagined to see again, but they also show the treatment and the outcome of the whole process. They already massively raised awareness for testicle cancer and STDs. And more youngsters get information about contraception, because another big problem after are teenage mothers with or without bad teeth...