Sunday, September 20, 2009

Charmed Life

Rookie QB Mark Sanchez just led the Jets to a stunning 16-9 victory over Tom Brady and the Patriots! Apparently there's a lot more to this hunky Mexican-American than looking hot in skimpy red swim trunks ...

UPDATE: My friend Mike just got back from the game so I asked him if it was over for Brady. He said he didn't know, but that according to a lot of people in the stands, "He sucks."


Anonymous said...

You weren't sad to see your beloved Tommy Boy lose?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Well, you know how fickle we gay guys can be! What's more, gotta root for the Jets. I'm practically a New Yorker!

Dennis O'Hara said...

"According to a lot of people in the stands." Well, yeah, that's what you'd expect from Jets fans. There's a big rivalry there. They thought Brady sucke when the Pats went 16-0 regular season, so I take what "people in the stands" say with a grain of salt. However, as a Pats fan I can tell you that Brady is not his old self and I'm a bit worried because I've never seen anybody come back from ACL/MCL surgery and attain the level of success they had before. But if all Tom Brady ends up being able to do is look good, then he still will be a success in my book!

pater familias said...

A word of advice from Michigan: don't write an obit for Tom Brady just yet ... he faced and overcome a lot of adversity as a Wolverine, on and off the field.