Footnote: I posted recently that I finally saw "In Bruges" and loved it. I've since seen "Cassandra's Dream," the film Farrell made with Woody Allen that kind of got lost in the shuffle because it came out around the same time and seemed to have a similar plot. It's quite good (he and Ewan McGregor play mild-mannered brothers who get swept up in a murder-for-hire plot by their rich uncle), if a bit deriviative of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" (as was "Match Point," but I digress). Definitely would seeing on video though -- I was really impressed.

1 comment:
Loved him in "A Home at the End of the World" -- not so much in "Phonebooth" (or whatever that mess was called). I admire the fact that he's allowing himself to go gray with age. Maybe someone should tell Tom Cruise and/or John Travolta. Are we really supposed to believe these over 40/close-to-50 guys are still "au natural?" (Maybe it's a Scientology thing, now that I think of it!)
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