Friday, March 20, 2009

I Love You, Paul

The trailer for "I Love You, Man" looks pretty awful to me, but I don't think I can resist seeing my boyfriend on the big screen. That smile!

UPDATE: As I suspected, we got tickets for the 8:15 show (EW gave it an A, so I'm sure I'll love it enough to make it worth my while). I just remembered that EW actually killed the Paul Rudd cover to make room for the Natasha Richardson news, but I guess some home subscribers got the original edition. What a sad, sad story.


Judy C. Adanna said...

if you havent seen it already- someecards has a really funny one on mr. rudd:

James Greenlee said...

I got the Paul Rudd cover in the mail, and it is clear that EW is as enamored of him as I am. But I've got to say, the Natasha Richardson cover is absolutely gorgeous. Sad story, to be sure, but WOW what a photo.