Friday, November 14, 2008

Austin Powers

With all eyes on California's anti-gay ballot measure and protests going on across the country calling for its repeal, the University of Texas campus in Austin is facing its own same-sex crisis over domestic partner benefits for faculty and staff members.

Organizers say having these health benefits for gay and lesbian couples will help employee recruitment and retain staff . . . not to mention it's just the right thing to do. Dr. Gregory Vincent, the UT Vice President of Diversity and Community Engagement, said, "There's a time to say right is right and wrong is wrong, and providing domestic partnership benefits to all members of our community is the right thing to do."

To learn more and find out how you can e-mail President William Powers to demand that he take a stand and do the right thing for his employees, please click HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link.