Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vote or Die

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This rant was written by guest blogger Marc Lallanilla.)

OK, maybe "Vote or Die" is a bit of an overstatement -- unless you're one of the millions of Americans with no health insurance, or are serving in the military, or are leaving a gay bar and get attacked with a lead pipe ...

The point is, this election has turned into Moosewatch 2008 despite the fact that people actually are dying. By the hundreds of thousands. And the Census Bureau says that over half (53%) of our citizens younger than 25 didn't bother to vote in 2004. Lazy bitches.

If you want to vote, you gotta register first, and the deadlines for doing that are coming up. New York state residents have just 3 weeks left to register (Oct. 10 deadline), California's deadline is Oct. 20, and swing states Florida and Ohio both have an Oct. 6 deadline.

Wake up, America. (We now return to our regularly scheduled T&A.)


Anonymous said...

>>The point is, this election has turned into Moosewatch 2008 despite the fact that people actually are dying. By the hundreds of thousands.

Dying of what? What point are you trying to make?

Marc Lallanilla said...

To anonymous: civilian deaths in Iraq, even by conservative estimates, are over 80,000. U.S. military deaths exceed 4,000. Those figures don't include any deaths in Afghanistan, which is even less stable than Iraq. Precise data is next to impossible to find since the military has a stranglehold on all information, and as Gen. Tommy Frank said, "We don't do body counts." And how many deaths occur nationwide due to lack of access to health care in the U.S? And how many people are killed each year in gay-bashing incidents? The total is easily more than 100,000. And all these deaths are the result of political decisions. That's my point.