Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Baby Daddy Has Landed

In yet another example of the Us Weekly-ing of America, "baby daddy" Levi Johnston is about the only thing "newsworthy" in Camp McCain today -- unless you count a bunch of philandering, divorced, pregnant-out-wedlock folks attempting to bring back the "culture wars" as millions of American are losing their houses and can't afford to fill their gas tanks. Oh, well. At least there's something in it for me (and you!). BTW: If you were that younger sister, wouldn't you tired of being the f**king nanny 24 hours a day?! Are we sure it's not HER child?


M. Christopher said...

Wait just a minute? Who's the drag queen in red at the right of the group photo? Oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if there is another trashy teenage girl who comes up pregnant from the same jock? Scandalous!!!

Matthew said...

Jeez, "leave her family alone!" and yet...check out our staged photo op.

Unknown said...

Did anyone tell Cindy McCain to take her shoes off when spray tanning? I mean that looks BAD.

Anonymous said...

LOL, is that Patsy from AB FAB?!!! I can just how the episode of AB FAB would unfold. LOL

Richard said...

caption for picture 2.
Oh god I'm surrounded by crazies and now a drag queen and this old man with chipmunk cheeks. Don't call me son grandpa

Anonymous said...

Hilarious comments! I immediately thought of Patsy Stone, too. How much fun would that White House be? Patsy Stone meets Karen Walker-Palin.

Anonymous said...

Ken, I am surprised at your lack of insight. Of course the younger sister is not sick of dragging that baby around. She's a Palin girl, she needs to get plenty of practice in for her own conceived out of wedlock before she hits 18, because she'll be pregnant well before then.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Track at the speech tonight? Holy crap, I'm having midnight Alaska jacuzzi fantasies with him, Levi and me, and it's making me want to vote Republican...

James Greenlee said...

Is everyone in Alaska short? McCain's like 5'6", and nobody there towers above him.

But Levi is a cutie. I just thought he was a bigger dude after the first released pic.

Anonymous said...

I want to VOTE on whether Bristol should be allowed to marry Levi.

Just incredible that this girl may be entering into a forced marriage because of her mother's political ambitions. I hope at 17 she found the man who will be with her and by her for the rest of her or his life. May he not get drunk and beat her or cheat on her. But what man getting married at 18 to a pregnant girlfriend would ever do that. Truly sad, this sanctity crap these Republs fling around. How dare they.