Please tell me Jake Gyllenhaal is remaking Ringo Starr's 1981 cult classic, "Caveman," and not doing a movie based on a video game. It would be a win-win for everyone, really: We wouldn't have another "Super Mario Bros." on our hands -- and we wouldn't have to listen to his one-gear acting (sorry, Jake) yet he'd be half-naked and grunting for 90 minutes ...

he looks so hot thick like that.
I don't care what movie this is, Jakey looks totally hot here! Oh, I need a close-up of that belt....
What's he got stuffed in those leather pants?
I don't get the appeal of Jakey. He looks like Fred Flintstone, and even more so in this picture.
But the Husband is a big fan of Jakey and the Prince of Persia video games, so this film should be interesting for him.
Come on Kenneth, Jake's acting is much more than one gear. I like a lot of his movies and think he is underrated.
Anyway, I have heard good things so far about this movie and he looks hot in that pic.
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