Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Paging Barbara Bach

Please tell me Jake Gyllenhaal is remaking Ringo Starr's 1981 cult classic, "Caveman," and not doing a movie based on a video game. It would be a win-win for everyone, really: We wouldn't have another "Super Mario Bros." on our hands -- and we wouldn't have to listen to his one-gear acting (sorry, Jake) yet he'd be half-naked and grunting for 90 minutes ...


Anonymous said...

he looks so hot thick like that.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what movie this is, Jakey looks totally hot here! Oh, I need a close-up of that belt....

Anonymous said...

What's he got stuffed in those leather pants?

Jonas said...

I don't get the appeal of Jakey. He looks like Fred Flintstone, and even more so in this picture.

But the Husband is a big fan of Jakey and the Prince of Persia video games, so this film should be interesting for him.

Anonymous said...

Come on Kenneth, Jake's acting is much more than one gear. I like a lot of his movies and think he is underrated.

Anyway, I have heard good things so far about this movie and he looks hot in that pic.