Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm back, Sweetie Dah-lings

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was written by guest blogger Frank Anthony Polito.)

Thanks, Kenneth, for offering me this return trip to the (212). Before I get started with the postings, I’d like to get a few things out of the way: BAND FAGS!...Hazeltucky…BAND FAGS!...Hell-sea…BAND FAGS! I promise I’ll try not the be too “self-aggrandizing” or “hoi-palloy” this time around.

It’s been a fast and furious few months. As most of you know, I published my debut novel, BAND FAGS!, this past June 2008. The book has gotten some awesome coverage including The Advocate, Instinct, Next, H/X, In Los Angeles, as well as some nice reviews—almost all positive. If you’re regular (212) readers, you’ve heard all about it. If not, you can check it out at:

FYI… I’m currently finishing up my second novel, DRAMA QUEERS!, which I’m calling a “companion piece” to the first book since it focuses on the same story during senior year ('87-'88), but told from the secondary character, Brad’s POV. At this point I don’t have a cover image to share, but I can tell you that the book goes on sale in June 2009.

But enough about ME…

I want to begin by sending a shout out to my new friend Sweetie I’m sure you all saw her on last night’s Project Runway sporting that fabulous flaming creation by Korto. I would’ve loved to see her work with token-straight-guy, Joe, as both he and Daniel T. Booth (as Sweetie is known during daylight hours) both hail from my (and Kenneth’s) native Detroit.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Daniel over coffee at Starbucks (we witnessed a Rosie O’Donnell spotting outside the World Wide Plaza—not sure where she was heading, Bally’s maybe?) As mentioned, I’m working on my second book, DRAMA QUEERS!, and I’ve been stealing from my Best Friend since 7th grade’s life for this one. (His name is Grat—yes, G-R-A-T—as you may recall… Anyways!)

Grat was telling me about the time he worked at this Detroit gay bar down on Woodward and 7 Mile called The Gas Station when he was the ripe old age of 17. You can bet that factoid has found its way into DQs!, especially since I never did anything nearly that exciting when I was 17. I guess back in the day there used to be this Drag Queen by the name of Lady T. Tempest who used to hose the boys down for the Tuesday night wet Jockey Shorts contest.

A quick google of the Lady T. led me to a blog posted by another Queen named Sweetie, which led me to Daniel T. Booth—who had a lot of nerve NOT tipping me off to his upcoming appearance on Runway last night. No offense taken, Sweetie. I’m sure Miss Heidi and/or Miss Tim swore you to secrecy!

Speaking of Heidi Klum… Years ago I was a production assistant at the Michael J. Fox sitcom, Spin City, and I had the pleasure of lighting one of Heidi’s many Marlboro Lights at the after party before nobody knew who she was—except maybe the straight-guy Maxim readers… (Models and cigarettes. Like water for chocolate.)

Last but not least I want to ask a question: Were me and my partner, Craig, imagining things, or is Miss Varla Jean Merman rather hunky out of drag?


Greg McElhatton said...

Oh trust me, it wasn't just you. The Project Rungay guys posted a few screen caps of him out of drag and it made me just marvel at the complete transformation that occurs.

Anonymous said...

Varla Jean is VERY VERY hot out of drag. See him around New Orleans all the time.

Anonymous said...

I've had the pleasure of dating Varla and we're still good friends. The transformation is downright scary when you see it happen before your eyes. He is an amazingly hot man with biceps and big 'ol worked out barrel chest. Very hot!
His favourite thing to do in Ptown is sit and eat at restaurants and almost everytime we'll hear people talking about Varla's show, but nobody ever realizes that he's sitting right there beside them listening!

Anonymous said...

No, It wasnt just you and your partner, my partner and I thought he was pretty hunky and hot out of drag too!