Thursday, August 21, 2008

Livin' La Vida Daddy

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was written by guest blogger Frank Anthony Polito.)

My new friend, Bill from Chicago, alerted me to this story yesterday in an email he titled: "WOULD YOU JUST ADMIT YOU'RE GAY?!?!"

I'm sure it's Old News by now, but since Kenneth didn't touch upon it, I thought I'd offer my two cents...

Perhaps this is the ONLY way Mr. Martin feels he can stand up and declare his homo-ness. What straight man in his right mind would admit, "I didn't really wanna schtup her, but I still wanted her to have my babies, so I asked her to be a surrogate"?

I'll admit I feel a tad sorry for both Ricky and Mr. Clay Aiken who made his fatherhood announcement earlier. They so desperately want to be daddies, but they can't find the right girl to do it the old fashion way.

Here's the thing: should the day come these guys decide they wanna fling their closet doors open, I think we Out & Prouds should totally deny their membership application to our club. I don't mean to be a bitch, but how many of us are being paid beaucoup d'argent to keep our Private Lives private?


Anonymous said...

Should this post be filed under bitter or jealous?

Naked Boy said...

The funny thing is that even when they come out their geeky teenage fans don't believe it anyway. And I really don't know of anyone who has lost fans by coming out, it usually increases their fan base.

My sister in law hangs with Ricky Martin. She knows it all. :)

Jerry said...

Ricky can join my club anytime!! Clay on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

Comments like these only add to the reasons some people find it difficult to come out of the closet. If we are not going to accept them who will? Everone should be given the right to come out when and how they choose, and entertainers owe us anything but entertainment.

Anonymous said...

There aren't bonus points for being Out and Proud... Isn't the goal here to be a decent human being? Ricky Martin is doing just fine. Let him be.

Anonymous said...

Living in Mississippi where I work on LGBT issues, I know gay men and teens who suffer all kinds of injustices when they take the step to come out. This ranges from insults in schools to brutal beatings by police. It would take so little for wealthy, ensconced Ricky Martin to come out, and it would mean so much to people who feel they still can't be openly gay. When Lance Bass (a Mississippi native) came out, it helped make our state a little safer for everyone. It really does matter.