Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rep. Wants Tennessee to Be More Like Iran

As bad as it is when some stupd jock gets drunk and calls someone a faggot, it's far more disturbing when an elected official introduces legislation to ban all references to gays in schools. (His name is Stacey. Again, need I say more?):

From An essay on little Johnny's two mommies could be tossed in the bin before it ever gets the chance to bask in hallway display prominence.

Newly proposed state legislation would ban anything that exposes students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade to homosexuality.

"Homosexuality, bisexuality, that's something that should be left to be taught at home and not at our schools," said Rep. Stacey Campfield, R-Knoxville, author of the legislation.

The bill, however, would allow for the teaching of heterosexuality.

"Without heterosexuality you wouldn't be able to teach biology," Campfield explained.

He also added keeping heterosexuality on the books would protect schools from litigation.

"'Jack and Jill went up the hill' - some organizations say you can't teach that because it pushes a heterosexual agenda," he said.


Sam said...

I would challenge that tool to name one organization that actually says you can't teach Jack and Jill because it pushes a heterosexual agenda. Naturally, his idiotic pronouncements are completely unchallenged.

Unknown said...

Do a google search on Miss Stacey and you find him holding a lovely bumper sticker that reads "Confederate Values" does that also mean he wants to go back to owning people?

Joey said...

That dummy doesn't deserve to have that great hair color.

Homer said...

What a waste of a redhead.

Tony (LT) said...

I'm so embarrassed by where I'm from right now.

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty unlikely that legislation will pass, given our Democrat governor and house. Every year some kook(or this same one) proposes some homophobic bill that never gets close to passage.

Jack Kinley said...

As the proud uncle of a wonderful kid with two mommies who happen to live in this idiot's district, I hope that people don't just take notice but take action against this man who so fearlessly attempts to overstep the boundaries of government time and time again. My nephew has as rightful a place in his community as his neighbors with heterosexual parents.
The very institutions that are charged with nurturing productive citizens can't be censored or forced to ignore the very diversity that walks through their doors every day.
Contact Rep. Campfield and let him know that he is furthering the divisiveness that Americans are finding increasingly wearisome!

Jack Kinley said...

I emailed him today and got a reply with five misspelled words. Clearly the state should focus on the basics of education first.