Monday, January 07, 2008

Bad Hed

The second I saw the front page of Sunday's Times my jaw dropped. AIDS PATIENTS FACE DOWNSIDE OF LIVING LONGER the headline screamed. Even though I quickly knew what they meant (the topic of my cocktail-thriving HIV-positive friends' lifespans had just been on my mind), I couldn't believe what an insensitive choice using "downside" was. Would a similar headline be atop a story about the complications associated with living longer with cancer, diabetes or heart disease? (SEDENTARY DIABETICS FACE DOWNSIDE OF LIVING LONGER*) Just when I thought I was being hypersensitive I found that I was not alone in my incredulousness. I happened to stop by my high school friend turned feminist scribe Ilyka Damen's blog and found she had already written a scathing, point-by-point analysis of the article that she describes as callous, inept and inaccurate (You're Right! They'd Be Better Off Dead!). Needless to say, her stab at the Grecian Formula-ed elephant in the room was my favorite part:

NYT: The ... researchers, defend the slow pace of research as a function of numbers. The first generation of AIDS patients, in the mid-1980s, had no effective treatments for a decade, and died in overwhelming numbers, leaving few survivors to study.

Ilyka: Yeah, and about that. See, I wouldn't call that so much "a function of numbers" as I would "a failure of public health," for which failure older people with AIDS are now paying the price. THERE, fuckhead. There's your fucking story.

Larry Kramer would be proud.

  • You're Right! They'd Be Better off Dead! (Ilyka Damen)
  • AIDS Patients Face Downside of Living Longer (NYT)

    *Ilyka's hilarious example

    Anonymous said...

    thank you. amused by your site, yet, i'd also glanced over this article and was left with the recognition of the greatest disease in relation to this slight -- the rampant carcinogenic known as ignorance and the paltry notions of actual philanthropy that come to do very little as in the midst of scripted lies, deplorable edu-tainment, septic foundations, and inexcusable consumerism driven by madison avenue rubbish -- very little is genuinely accomplished -- if one counts anything removed from a simplicity that is glued to materialism. there you have the consistent slights and a bandwagon on which a gaggle of faggots also gleefully board....and so information is juggled and muddled to perpetuate fallacy removed from potential. and so continues the balancing act of lies.

    enjoy your week -- i couldn't agree more with "there's your fucking story" -- as so many stories are missed by playing the pathetic "four seasons" game.

    Anonymous said...

    Bravo. Good catch, I hope this hits the blogs with a fury.