Thursday, September 06, 2007


Perry Ellis gives us what we want, above, as does Nautica, below ...


Zac said...

I don't think more big-as-you-can-make-them clown shorts are what we want at all.

Jim said...

Does Perry Ellis Think we haven't had enough of those un-original preppy shorts from 1985? - about when shorts became longer. That style has been exploited by the gangsta culture and MTV and forced on us to become a mainstay since the '80s.

The hope for better fashion has been sabotaged by this misfortunate direction. Americans are making bad fashion choices because that is all that is available on the racks!

Anonymous said...

Does Perry Ellis think that reliving the birth of Longer Shorts from the 1980s is what we really want? I'm still waiting for that Long Short phase to end.
Americans need better choices on the racks.

Anonymous said...

The first fellow there, shorted out my keyboard. Its not waterproof. As far as the shorts length issue goes. The longer shorts are helpful to those who don't have model looks.
For those who do look like models, I'll allow them to run around in running shorts if they wish.
At the nearest sporting goods store, there are plentiful varieties of available shorts in any length or color--including those with the flaps that will expose your butt at the slightest breeze. Let's all hope it is as nice as the last one I saw.
Availability of options is unhindered. The long shorts fit more people and in more variety of weather. Cheers!