Friday, September 15, 2006

Jury Duty Update

Another light blogging day. Spent Thursday at the courthouse downtown (up at 7 a.m., it was pouring outside, wasn't sure where I was going, etc.)

After eight hours of waiting around, catching up on some reading ("Running With Scissors" -- better late than never!), taking breaks and some actual voir dire, I ended up not being picked for the trial but have to be back again today (Friday) at the crack of dawn, hence another slow blog day. After jury duty I had to go to work and put in a (near) full day, so I'm completely beat.

I've been summoned to jury duty probably four or five times in my adult life and I have yet to be picked to serve on an actual jury (my theory as to why is for another time). But I always go there thinking it's going to be interesting and educational yet always come away from (what I see of) the process horribly disappointed.

On top of the fact that today (Friday) is shaping up to be a repeat of Thursday, my baby (Troy) seems to be sick and I need to figure out how I can get him to the vet sometime soon. For this reason I'm hoping my "not getting chosen" streak stays alive ...

Time to try to go to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one of the "chosen people", I think you should count your blessings. ;^)